"Now and Beyond" When Everything has Changed! (Week 4)
Monday, Jul. 15, 2024
2PM - 3PM
Owen Funeral Home Jeffersontown
The "Now and Beyond" grief support group meets for six weeks for an hour to address the needs and questions of those who have lost a spouse/partner through death. Each meeting consists of presentation, discussion, and support.
Weekly Topics will focus on particular aspects of the grief process such as:
Learning to Live with Loss
The Grief Response (Allowing a Natural Response)
The Emotional Rollercoaster of Grief
When Everything Has Changed! (Adjusting to Role Changes)
Taking Care of Yourself
Memories and Meaning
Please use the form to register for this support group.
Note: Each of these six sessions will build upon what was discussed in the previous session, therefore we will be closing the registration after the 2nd session has taken place.